Hatfield Heath Primary School

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Hatfield Heath, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, CM22 7EA



Hatfield Heath Primary School

  1. People and partners
  2. Governors


The following information can be found by clicking here:

  • Details of the Learning Partnership Members and Directors and local governing body membership
  • The learning Partnership Trust Members and Directors disclosure and interest information
  • Meeting attendance
  • Financial statements, articles of association, funding agreements and terms of reference 
  • Appeals Committee, Disciplinary & Dismissal and Pupil Discipline terms of references

The Chair of Governors for Hatfield Heath school is Mrs Diane Hancock. If you would like to contact Mrs Hancock please either contact us at the school, 01279 730382 email: office@hatfieldheath.essex.sch.uk or on email: DHancock@tlptrust.co.uk

Governors 2024-25

Diane Hancock                              Chair of Governors 

Victoria Marrow                            CEO

Michelle Collier                             Acting head teacher

James Alan Brockbank                 Governor

Duncan Brown                              Staff Governor

Christopher Hancock                   Governor

Allan Wilton                                  Governor

Alastair Cooper                             Governor