As a Charitable Trust, our Board ensure that they comply with charity and company law requirements. The Board of The Learning Partnership Trust are responsible for:
- Setting the vision and values and the strategic direction of the organisation.
- Ensuring the financial probity of the Trust.
- Educational and academic performance and monitoring of all schools within the Trust.
- Ensuring each school is managed effectively and efficiently.
- Identifying, mitigating and managing all risks associated with the Trust and individual schools.
- Ensuring the reputation of the Trust is continually strengthened and not compromised.
- Monitoring the effectiveness of the Trust and its committees including Finance, Operations, Audit and Risk, Standards and each Local Governing Body
Further details on membership such as appointment and term dates can be viewed on Get Information About Schools.
Governors 2024-25
Diane Hancock Chair of Governors
Victoria Marrow CEO
Michelle Collier Acting head teacher
James Alan Brockbank Governor
Duncan Brown Staff Governor
Christopher Hancock Governor
Allan Wilton Governor
Alastair Cooper Governor