Hatfield Heath Primary School

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Hatfield Heath, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, CM22 7EA



Hatfield Heath Primary School

  1. Parents and carers
  2. Admissions


Applying to join our Reception class in September 2025


If your child was born during the period 1st September 2020 to 31st August 2021, you can apply for your child to attend a primary or infant school. Your child will be entitled to start school from the September of the academic year 2025/2026.  Reception 2025 Applications open Monday 4th November. The closing date for applications is the 15th January 2025.

It is the responsibility of parents to make an application for their child's primary school place. It is not necessary to wait to receive an application form or letter in the post. Click here for information on applying for an Essex school place

For details of the 2025/26 Admission Policy please see the link below:

Hatfield Heath Admissions policy 25-26


Admission documents:

Primary schools brochure 2024-2025

Primary admissions directory 2024-2025 West Essex

Appendix  PAA map


We will be offering parents the chance to visit our school with Mrs Gelston, Head teacher. Please contact the school to arrange to be booked onto one of our tours, the dates on offer are:

Thursday 24th October 1.30pm

Tuesday 5th November 9.30am

Thursday 14th November 1.30pm

Thursday 21st November 9.30am

Wednesday 27th November 1.30pm

For any further queries regarding a Reception September start please contact Schools Planning and Admissions on 0845 603 2200 or our school office on 01279 730382


Mid Year Applications during the 2024/2025 Academic Year

Please contact the school office for our application form or download the form below.

Mid-Year Application Form for a Primary school place


For all  in-year admissions contact our school directly on 01279 730382 

 Admission Appeals

 For information regarding admission appeals please click here.


Admission Policy 2024-2025

Admissions Policy 2025-2026
Admissions Policy 2026-2027